Aunt Darcy came over to celebrate her birthday and the upcoming birthday of Jonas's mom. This was Jonas's first dual-birthday celebration, he did very well. Typically Jonas eats every 2-3 hours, for this event he decided to forgoe that tradition and just be happy for about 5 hours straight. This was not what his parents planned, but we appreciated that Jonas executed a far better plan than we could ever concoct. It also helped that somehow someway Jonas received some presents. It seems that other's birthdays are enough reason to provide Jonas with gifts. Aunt Darcy and Uncle Kevin help Jonas celebrate the "2 sisters" birthdays by opening a few new toys for himself. I don't ever recall receiving gifts on other people's birthdays, but maybe its a generational thing. You can see that even Jonas is rather surprised at the evening's happenings as Grandma trys to explain how things work in this modern world.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Dualing Birthdays
Aunt Darcy came over to celebrate her birthday and the upcoming birthday of Jonas's mom. This was Jonas's first dual-birthday celebration, he did very well. Typically Jonas eats every 2-3 hours, for this event he decided to forgoe that tradition and just be happy for about 5 hours straight. This was not what his parents planned, but we appreciated that Jonas executed a far better plan than we could ever concoct. It also helped that somehow someway Jonas received some presents. It seems that other's birthdays are enough reason to provide Jonas with gifts. Aunt Darcy and Uncle Kevin help Jonas celebrate the "2 sisters" birthdays by opening a few new toys for himself. I don't ever recall receiving gifts on other people's birthdays, but maybe its a generational thing. You can see that even Jonas is rather surprised at the evening's happenings as Grandma trys to explain how things work in this modern world.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Too many laps
Round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round, and all of a sudden.....nap. It was around lap 20 on a cold day outside that Jonas decided he could trust the driver. He fell asleep at the wheel of his wagon, but luckily his Ma kept the rig on the road.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Press Release from Green Bay
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Great Grandma's Booties
Sleep Research Grant renewed
Jonas received good news from the NIH. He will continue to receive funding to study his sleep patterns and how his sleep patterns influence the other members of his niche. At this point in time it seems that when Jonas sleeps he has an uncanny ability to make everyone else fall asleep at the same time. You can see one documented instance of this above as all 6 animals are in state of sleep. This is unusual as all of these are diurnal animals who are exhibiting sleeping patterns outside of the normal patterns for their respective species. Bottom line: It seems that Jonas can make others sleepy.
Waiting for the Pack
Monday, January 14, 2008
We had no idea that Jonas could be such a monster. He learned to make the monster noise yesterday and is steadily becoming more and more scary. The amount of adrenaline that is being spilled in this house is incredible due to Jonas's new repertoire of scary noises. You can't walk around the corner without shrieking in terror from the monster baby.
Ski Mask evolution
Go Pack Go with friend Max
Grandma's House
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Ready for the Oregon Trail
Let's Ride! Jonas has taken a bunch of luxury rides laying down in his wagon ('the UHAS'), but this was his first ride sitting up. He managed to do pretty well across the terrain. He certainly was well equipped for whatever the journey could bring. The forecast didn't call for rain, but the umbrella was up because that's what he likes. It seems that settling the West might be up his alley, but he might have been beat to the great frontier by those homesteaders from 150 years before he was born. Oh well, it's fun to do wagon laps around the house for now.