Jonas enjoys his jingle ball, bunny, and bibs, which he tries to devour before his dinner arrives.
The Tangens wore Jonas out and he slept most of the way home.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Basket hunt
Easter bunny comes a day early
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy Weekend
It was another fine weekend under Jonas's belt. He got a chance to hang out at the coffee shop with his friends. Henry was trying to escape to get to pick out some more bakery items to munch on, while Jonas and Bryn patiently waited for a formal picture. Smilin' Bryn is about 2 years 2 months older than the young Jonas. She used to wear the sweet strawberry cap that Jonas is wearing.
After some coffee in the morning Jonas snuck one in on his mom at the Wheeler's house when mom was being less than her normal perfect parent.
Jonas got some GMa Sue time in on Sunday. He showed off his new sundial recreation moves on the floor. He also got a chance to grab Zippy the cat's tail when the opportunity arose.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Multiple visits holds up the movie
Mom plays Hoops
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Livin it up with a visit from Frida Kahlo
Monday, March 10, 2008
Central Incisor Breakthrough....Let there be tooth
Little did we know that the first wearing of the "Chomp" shirt would be taken so literally by Jonas. He decided to cut his first tooth today, displaying a mammelon edge of the lower right central incisor. The breakthrough occured between 11:45 am and 1:15 pm on 3/10/2008. It was quite exciting to put my knuckle in his mouth a little after 1:15 pm and realize that Jonas is now armed with a cutting tool embedded in his gums. It is visible under the right conditions, most of which demands Jonas to keep his tongue out of the way. This is difficult, so we haven't been able to capture the perfect photo, but we will. For anyone that is interested there is a little information about Jonas first tooth below from Wikipedia.
Jonas's first tooth, the Primary Mandibular Central Incisor
The mandibular central incisor is the tooth located on the jaw, adjacent to the midline of the face. It is mesial from both mandibular lateral incisors. As with all incisors, its function include shearing or cutting food during mastication. There are no cusps on the tooth. Instead, the surface area of the tooth used in eating is called an incisal ridge or incisal edge. Though the two are similar, there are some minor differences between the deciduous mandibular central incisor and that of the permanent mandibular central incisor.
Mammelons are usually found as three small bumps on the incisal edges of anterior teeth. They are the remnants of three lobes of formation of these teeth, the fourth lobe represented by the cingulum. Since this surface of the tooth is the first to wear away from attrition, mammelons may not visible on teeth of older people. Instead, the best chance to see this characteristic is soon after eruption of the tooth into the mouth.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Hoop it up!

A nice family shot about 20 minutes before the game got underway. You can see how big Jonas is in this picture. It is hard to believe that his mom had him in her womb just six months ago. (It really is crazy when you look at the picture of Mom and Jonas standing next to each other.)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Size 5 1/2 W
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Jonas Jedi Trailer
Jonas celebrates his six-month birthday on Sunday 3/2/08. He decided to release the trailer for the upcoming epic "Jonas the Six-month Jedi" which can only be seen at Stay tuned for details about the premier party for the movie and other celebrity gossip.