As many of you know, we had a manhunt for a murderer going on in our neighborhood/back garden last Tuesday. Here's a link to the news story:
And some pictures from the online newspaper:
We had been advised to stay away from the windows, as our house backs to the bluff where they eventually found him. Keeping Jonas away from the windows is like herding cats so I came up with a more fun way to stay clear. Think of it as a miniseries...
Friday, May 22, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Busy boy
Over the past few weeks Jonas has had a lot of adventures. Here are some of the highlights.
UW Arboretum
Jonas and I met Cory and Emily at the UW Arboretum-Longenecker Gardens on a beautiful sunny Tuesday morning. Jonas and Cory had a blast sniffing the flowering trees and running under and around them. The smell in there was heavenly and we all had a great time remembering that a long winter is worth a gorgeous spring.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Happy Mother's Day from Blue-Man group
Just a visual reminder what happends when Mom goes to a wine tasting. This video should make it clear why mother's across the world should be honored every day, and not just on Mother's Day. I did not plan on putting this post up, but Jonas just happend to eat some blue playdough on my watch. It certainly proves a point. Love you moms. Happy Mother's day Sara, and Jonas's Grandmas.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Rat daddy
Jonas sometimes likes to act in the same way we do, or some version of it with his own flavor added. We never know when it's going to come up or what he'll deem Oscar-worthy. Recently he decided that his stuffed rat needed to be put to bed. At first he climbed onto the rocking chair where we rock him to bed, which he often does just to rock back and forth. He then started motioning to the "boppy" pillow he lays on as we rock him. Then he asked me to get his rat and a "binkie" from his bed. I guess the rat wasn't done with his nap and needed to be put back down.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Dancin in bed
Okay, okay. So I'm a little hooked on the Gipsy Kings right now. I went bopping into Jonas's room the other day after his nap and cranked up the music. I love his sweet bed head. Below is the response I got. It's amazing what a good afternoon nap can do. Perhaps I should try it sometime.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Chicken wrangler
Jonas spent part of Friday morning visiting with our old neighbors on Gregory Street, Don and Michael. It was great to reconnect with some old friends and catch up on all the neighborhood happenings. Michael and Don even let Jonas feed their two chickens, Buffy and Heather. When he got home, Jonas told his Grandma Sue about his morning watching the chickens "hop", go up the ladder, peek out, and hop back down to eat more food. Thanks to Don for the pictures.

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