Friday, November 14, 2008

Mountain Visitors

Jonas had some visitors from the highlands a couple of weeks back. It seems like such a long time ago; he wasn't even walking! Even though he wasn't walking he had a chance to talk a little computers with Andrew. He was able to identify the apple on the screen.

After a little while the computer thing got old. Jonas really isn't into big'ol computers like a laptop. But what always entertains is a cuddly dog like Hamish. He had a few near full speed crawl head-to-head interactions with Hamish the dog, but this time tried to attack from above. Andrew tried to use "the force" to prevent Jonas from falling off the couch. It turns out that Andrew has a low metaclorion count so "the force" did not work.

After a scolding by his dad and an unsuccessful vertical mount of the dog Jonas was a bit upset. In the meanwhile Andrew found everything quite amusing.

All that Jonas can say is, "Watch out 'cause I'm gonna get you, doggies!"

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